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Find out about the different rules in each state of Australia.

Microchipping for cats and dogs is mandatory in ACT, NSW, NT, QLD, SA, Tas, VIC & WA.


Information about requirements  for selling animals in NSW. 



Search the Microchip number and BIn numbers  here:


Information provided about scam websites by Admin on this page has been researched without prejudice. Puppy SCAM Awareness AUST (PSAA) mission is to make people aware of current scams operating within Australia. The majority of scam websites has been found to be operating from outside of Australia. All enquiries regarding this page are to be directed to Admin Team directly.

All external links regarding breeder associations has been listed without prejudice and is intended for information purposes only. Any information  provided is for consideration only. Puppy SCAM Awareness AUST does not endorse any particular business or association, nor is responsible for the information and/or actions caused by this information. Information published on this Website is true and correct at the time of publishing. PSAA is not responsible for any changes which have been made post publishing date. Please do your research before buying! 

©2023 Puppy Scam Awareness Australia 

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