Follow these steps
Immediately contact your bank and lodge a fraud complaint.
They will probably do a recall, which has not been successful with most victims.
Unfortunately it means you more than likely will never get your money back.
Contact the OTHER bank too! They need to freeze the account. Email them all the evidence and give them the reference numbers you would have obtained from police, ACCC etc.
If you don't get your money back, lodge a complaint with the Financial Ombudsmen here:
And ASIC - Australian Securities & Investments Commission
Contact Scam Watch.
Is part of the ACCC. They monitor all types of current scams.
Report online here
Contact your local police and ask for a fraud investigation form. This way the police must investigate the matter.
If you are discouraged from making a report, please see your local member of parliament for help.
Crime stoppers will not take these complaints.
For Identify theft, report to these places too.
What To Know About Credit Freezes and Fraud Alerts | Consumer Advice (
Contact us at Puppy Scam Awareness Australia
We have a Facebook group that lets us warn others of the scam. Our list of followers and members ensures, the word gets out quickly so that others don't get scammed too. Join our Facebook group and post your story. Use our report form on the home page or post here.
Contact ID Care. IDCARE is Australia and New Zealand’s national identity & cyber support service. Our service is the only one of its type in the world. We have helped thousands of Australian and New Zealand individuals and organisations reduce the harm they experience from the compromise and misuse of their identity information by providing effective response and mitigation.
Contact Report Cyber
Is a Government organisation who pass on the fraud details to Law Enforcement and other agencies like Banks etc.
Fill out the online form here.